
Some of my earliest memories are of the vibrant colors and textures of life in Uganda and Ghana. Even as a young child, I sought to capture this vibrancy through my own creations. As I matured, my focus changed. Still influenced by my childhood experiences in sub-Saharan Africa, I chose to follow a path of service in the field of International Public Health to help alleviate health problems faced by underserved populations. Each country I worked in, including Chad, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Uzbekistan, provided a doorway to explore cultural diversity and artistry. Throughout my years working in public health, I continued to create, taking inspiration from my experiences and surroundings.  

Évu is the expression of all that I have seen, explored and learned. Although I no longer work in public health, I hope to bridge my love of creating with my desire for helping others. My mission is to create exquisite, tangible symbols of your joys, accomplishments, and passions while also providing a means to improve the lives of the people at the lowest ends of the jewelry industry. For each Évu purchase you make, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to create a foundation. The foundation will provide primary health care services to the miners and gemstone cutters who live and work in dire conditions.